Hey Im zeo, welcome to my site. I am a music producer currently working on a full game and making tracks on my artist account "Zeonim"

Iridescent games

We thank you for support but...

Unfortunatly our kickstarter wont open until later this year, although you can still support the project by following us on our socials or following the project.If you would like to support me directly, you can do that buy subscribing to my substack (Newsletter)


In this top-down RPG, you, along with your brother and a girl you met along the way, will do everything you can to survive in a world that seems to always be against you. Encounter the effects of a terrible war, and choose how to react. In this world where every choice matters, will you fall to the unavoidable, or will you get up and achieve the better life you always dreamed of?You possess a mysterious power: you can live the memories of those you fight. In this adventure, you will make use of this ability to choose your very own fighting strategy, and live through the consequences.As you live through your own battle, you'll discover problems that are rooted deep within. Do you have what it takes to live a Better Life?

I am currently working as a music producer for the game, as well as a story writer.